Bike City Tours: Asbury Park with Dana Stanley

Bike City Tours: Asbury Park with Dana Stanley

Dana Stanley leaning on fence with Brighton 7 at Asbury park

Dana Stanley



We connected with New Jersey resident Dana Stanley of & Between Wake and Sleep Films to show us the town surrounding their 1920s Bungalow, Asbury Park. Take a look below to see some of her favorite locations in the area:

Living in a coastal town, we make ​every ​excuse to ride our bikes. Our two-year-old daughter looks out the window every morning to our bikes as if asking, “where are we going?” For us it’s either to grab coffee, to the park, to the beach, or even to the post office. Nothing says summer like cruising down a sunlit street and it always ends up being the highlight of my day. (If you’re looking to visit Asbury Park this summer), here are some places we’ve grown to love through our pedal adventures.


But First, Coffee - Booskerdoo

Coffee Rules Booskeroo

Booskerdoo is on the outskirts of Asbury Park, which makes it the perfect first stop for your bike tour.

During the summer months, be sure to get the Malt Cold Brew, which sometimes sells out by the late afternoon. It’s our favorite drink to hold while we cruise down Sunset Ave towards the coast.

Look for the COFFEE RULES sign by my friend ​Ashley Burk, you can’t miss it!


Heading to Brunch - ​Cardinal 

Dana Stanley Brunch at Cardinal

Cardinal​ has become a favorite go-to spot for its beautiful interiors and insanely good food. They make their own cold brew (yes, I’m mentioning coffee again) and have lots of vegan options. One of the owners just had twins, so you know, it’s kid-friendly (always a plus in my book).

If you’re looking for a place to show off to your friends and family, take them here. Just keep in mind they’re closed on Wednesdays!


It’s All for the ‘Gram - Asbury Park Boardwalk 

Dana Stanley With Brooklyn Bicycle Co. Collage

The walls of unused buildings along the boardwalk have become so covered with street art, you could spend all afternoon stopping at each one.

You’ll see everything from larger-than-life mermaids to musical tributes, and it’s part of what makes this place so special.

Our favorite drink for mural-snapping? An ice cold lemonade, light on the sugar, from ​Pucker.


Get Away from Crowds - Pizza on the Beach

The only downside of living near a beach town is when you’re starving and everything is crowded. We don’t like to wait to eat, especially with a toddler in tow. Savior: bringing pizza on to the beach. We’ll be doing this a lot this summer!

If you’re coming from inland, call ahead to Medusa to pick up pizza. They’re perfect for strapping to your bike and taking to the beach (plus no forks or knives needed.)

If you’re already set up by the beach, ​Porta is our favorite spot for drinks and some meatball pies. It gets really crowded from 7PM on, but you can always get it to go!


Dana Stanley riding with no feet on Brighton 7Brooklyn Bicycle Co Ivory Brighton 7Brooklyn Bicycle Co. Ivory Brighton 7 at beachDana Stanley riding Brooklyn Bicycle Co. Brighton 7

Dana rides our Brighton 7 in Ivory

Photos by Veronica Lola Photography. Instagram: @veronicalolaphoto. Twitter: @veronicalolapho.


We build bikes for vivid lives—for taking adventures, reconnecting with old friends, discovering new neighborhoods and exploring hidden gems. Inspired by the streets of Brooklyn, our bikes are built for style, comfort, and durability. Made with top quality parts, crafted with care, and sold at an affordable price, your bike is yours for life. We scrutinize every component for maximum sustainability and performance, and every millimeter of the frame for ultimate comfort and style. We take pride in our process, in our products, and in the people who sell them.